Caps Large 1
Caps Large 1
The Good Times Express is an interesting little Art show that collapses entirely under its own whimsical weight, while keeping the viewer wondering to the bitter end.
Devoid of the teeniest tendrils of meaning, substance or consistency the artwork grows wild and terribly uneven.
What sustains us is the mystery and age old question, “is this simply meaningless or pointless as well?”
For the viewer, the imagination is neither nourished or even provided with the expectation of deriving some modicum of order out of this charade.
Nothing is developing and at root, we discover that Chris Uphues entertains a fantasy that can not hold up to the barest of inspections.
Surely he has a more fertile mind than this! How in the world does he not understand that this Art Practice is unsustainable?
The only conclusion must be is that people will do and believe what they want, despite the evidence.